Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Review: Heroine Make Quick Eyeliner

I think I finally found a pencil eyeliner that doesn’t smudge and is quite affordable! The weather in Hong Kong is turning more humid and hot day by day. Every day I go out I feel like an ice cream, battling the sun so I won’t melt!

The eyeliner I got is from Heroine Make in number 2, which is brown. Most people will know this brand for it’s sublime mascara, which would not even budge even if you throw a bucket of water over it. The automatic pencil eyeliner is from the same quality. I applied the eyeliner in the morning and when I went back home it was still there. I didn’t turn into a panda bear!

The texture is something between a wax and a cream texture. You can create very thin of thick lines with it, depending on how you hold the pencil. When using the pencil, try not to turn too much product out of the ‘case’. Or you might break the pencil.

I personally like to smudge out the eyeliner a bit, so it doesn’t look too harsh. This can be done with the little sponge on the back of the pencil. Though it does feel a bit flimsy, like it can fall out every moment when you press on it too hard.

The packaging feels and looks cheap, but hey the product works and it’s only 69HKD, which is about €6,5.

I would definitely buy this product again! As a matter of fact, I’m planning to buy this in black.


  1. Cool product, thanks for the review!

    I gave you the Liebster Award, please see my blog for details:

  2. Hi :) Saw you on soompi! <3 This eyeliner looks great but sadly, I can't find one here -.-" Oh well. BTW, Let's be friends? ^^ Write me back <3
